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Capsules Sampler

Energy Calm Focus
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Whether you need increased focus, some stress-management, or a memory booster, this sampler has you covered.

Focus Complex Capsules,
Focus Complex Capsules

Ingredients: organic log-grown lion’s mane fruiting body extract, l-theanine from organic green tea, vitamin B12, organic bacopa monnieri extract, organic rhodiola powder, organic ashwagandha extract.

Calm Complex Capsules,
Calm Complex Capsules

Ingredients: organic log-grown reishi fruiting body extract, organic tulsi extract, vitamin B6, organic ashwagandha extract.

Memory Complex Capsules
Memory Complex Capsules

Organic cordyceps fruiting body extract (1500 mg), organic turmeric root + black pepper, organic gotu kola, Folate, organic ashwagandha extract.

USDA Organic
Mental longevity Productivity and lasting concentration Clear your mind
Mental longevity
The key players in memory enhancement: cordyceps, gotu kola and folate all support recall and retention, allowing you to treasure a lifetime of experiences.
Productivity and lasting concentration
There is no better feeling than being in flow. This organic blend keeps your mind balanced, so you can feel productive and focused throughout your day. Goodbye brain fog, hello extra hours in the day.
Clear your mind
No more groggy, scattered thoughts and emotions. This organic blend with reishi helps you to calm your mind and feel more centered throughout your day.

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Frequently Asked

That’s called a desiccant. It’s in there to absorb moisture and keep your capsules dry and potent for up to 2 years!
Yes, the bottle is recyclable. :)
In order to deliver effective benefits, the serving size is 3 capsules. This ensures you get ~1500mg of functional ingredients per serving.
Our recommendation is to take 3 capsules from one supplement at a time. After a few days to a few weeks, if you want additional benefits offered from another one of our capsules, you can begin to add in a full serving of that into your daily routine as well. Always check in with your healthcare practitioner if you have specific health concerns before taking any supplements, including Four Sigmatic Mushroom Complex Capsules.

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